
Insurances Accepted:

1. Non-HMO/Fee-for-Service: Dr. Li is currently not accepting new PPO patients. For established patients, Dr Li accepts Traditional Medicare and PPOs (Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, Healthnet, United, Humana, Coventry Healthcare, First Health, Mulitplan, PCIP, Tricare and others).

2. HMO (Commercial Insurance Plans): Dr Li is currently accepting new HMO patients. The insurance plans that are accepted include Aetna, Alignment Health Plan, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Central Health Plan, Healthnet, Humana, United Healthcare. You must be enrolled in Prime Care Chino Medical Group (IPA) and have Dr. Karin Li as your primary care physician (PCP).

3. Medicare HMO (Medicare Advantage Plans): Dr. Li accepts Medicare HMO plans (a.k.a. Medicare Advantage Plans)  The insurance plans that are accepted include Aetna, Alignment Health Plan, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Cetral Health Plan, Healthnet, Humana, IEHP Dual Choice, Scan, United Healthcare. You must be enrolled in Prime Care Chino Medical Group (IPA) and have Dr. Karin Li as your primary care physician (PCP).

4. Medicare-MediCAL (“Medi-Medi”): Dr. Li is currently not accepting new traditional Medi-Medi patients.  Dr Li is still accepting Medi-Medi patients enrolled through a HMO health plan/medical group/IPA.  If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (HMO) plan, read #3 above for enrollment with Dr. Li.

5. Covered California Plans: Dr Li is currently NOT accepting new Covered California patients. For established patients, Dr Li accepts accepts Covered California Plans for Blue Shield, and HealthNet.